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  • June 28th 2013 AAW Symposium Penturners Special Interest Night in room 23. Join us for the annual Principally Pens chapter meeting!
  • June 24th AAW symposium first annual Russ Fairfield Pen Contest winner awarded to Scott Krause of Hager City, Wisconsin.
  • June 15, 2011: Please see update on the Russ Fairfield Pen contest
  • January 12, 2011: Our 1st annual Principally Pens chapter meeting will be held Friday June 24 at the AAW symposium Special Interest Night (SIN) get together. Winners of the Russ Fairfield Memorial Pen Contest will be announced at this meeting. We'll also have a pen-swap for those who attend (bring some pens), and other chapter business will be conducted.

  • January 11, 2011: Click on this link to read a message form the President.

  • January 8, 2011: I regret to inform the pen turning world that Russ Fairfield passed away on January 4th. He was 75 years old and passed peacefully. In honor of his many years of contributions to the woodturning and particularly the penturning community and with his wife Gerriā€™s permission, the Principally Pens chapter of the AAW is implementing the First Annual Russ Fairfield Memorial Pen Competition. Russ was the Secretary of the Principally Pens chapter and a long time AAW member. Contest details may be found by clicking here.
  • Kurt Hertzog
    President, Principally Pens Chapter

check back often for updates...







Chapter of AAW